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Thread #75458   Message #1354429
Posted By: CarolC
11-Dec-04 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kofi Annan is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kofi Annan is an arrogant asshole
As I said before, it also states that this was the last chance before action would be taken, and the UN declared Saddam to be non-compliant. What part of that don't you understand?

The problem is not that I don't understand. The problem is that you have your facts wrong. The resolution declared Saddam to have been non-compliant prior to the passing of the resolution. The resolution and the resulting inspections were the remedy. At the time that the US kicked the UN inspectors out of Iraq, the UN itself was saying that Iraq was complying to their satisfaction with the inspectors. So he was not in violation of the resolution, the purpose of which was to establish and enforce UN inspections in Iraq, at that time. And by interfering in the ability of the UN to continue the inspections, and by not honoring the sovereignty and the boundaries of Iraq when the US invaded it, the US volated the resolution.

If by "violating the ceasefire), you are speaking of the Safwan ceasefire, that agreemen (which was never put on paper, and the contents of which were never made public), became obsolete shortly after the 1990 Gulf War.