The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73456   Message #1354506
Posted By: Dead Horse
12-Dec-04 - 01:03 AM
Thread Name: Songs for national speak like a pirate day
Subject: RE: national speak like a pirate day, sunday
I 'as a sheep dog, an' e's black. I calls 'im Spot.
So unless e 'as a particalar likin' ta getting the Black Spot, then ye leaves my sheep alone, ya skilly livered bunch of no good privateerin' barge wreckers. I be gonna set me dog on yers, see if I dont!
Pickin' on poor 'elpless wee folks. I hopes ye get Dutch Elem in yer pegs, ta boot! Now sling yer 'ooks, the pair of yers, afore the sea witches take e.