The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76375   Message #1354544
Posted By: The Shambles
12-Dec-04 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: Mummers and Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Mummers and Rascism
The issue is not one of racism anymore. Political Correctness has allowed the issue to become one of colour, and consequently of no use to anyone. Whatever colour you paint your face (for whatever reasons) risks upsetting someone - (possibly). Unless perhaps you paint your face in Billy Connolly's favourite colour - beige......

Colours are facts, if they have painful associations for some folk, it is regrettable but it is hardly the fault of the colour, is it?

If someone tells me that they are offended or hurt because I don't drive a black car or that I don't paint my house black - am I an insensitive racist if I don't immediately buy a new car and go out and get tins of paint? Or is the fault possibly with them? I strongly suggest that it is the latter. Its not the paint's fault. Does the fact that Henry Ford only made cars in black - make him a racist?

It is time for less demands on each other and time for some common sense and understanding. Hearing someone's objections is a good thing but choosing not to act on these objections is also a choice. Calling people names because they do not do as you wish them to do - is hardly helpful to better value and understanding of each others culture and traditions.