The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49704   Message #1355132
Posted By: GUEST,Anne Croucher
12-Dec-04 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: What's a Mummers Play?
Subject: RE: What's a Mummers Play?
My father's father used to recite 'In comes I little devil doubt, no matter how you try you can not cast me out'

and lots more - there seemed to be a larger and a lesser devil, the larger one was armed - 'in my hand a frying pan', then I think it was 'on my head a rusty pail' - and there was a broomstick which at times was ridden like a hobby horse, and the threat 'I'll sweep you all about' if money 'give us a penny, or an 'aipenny will do' was not forthcoming.

Grandad lived in Derbyshire - in the village of Youlgreave in the 1920s as my Dad attended, or not, the village school. It might have been there, or when Grandad was a lad. He was very small - about 4ft 6inches as an adult - it is genetic I think - my sister is under 5 ft. My Dad and brother had/have small feet and hands.

Of course when he was around I was not in the least interested in finding out what all the nonsense was about - he went through it so often I can still recall snatches, even though it was over 40 years ago I can see him now going through all the actions and the words - 'with my big head and little wit'

anyone recognise the source of the play and the characters?
