The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76125   Message #1355465
Posted By: George Papavgeris
13-Dec-04 - 06:54 AM
Thread Name: El Greko Down Under Details
Subject: RE: El Greko Down Under Details
Thanks Steve, have a good'un yerself. Just has to be "Empty Handed" tonight - last rendition before it goes "home".

Anything is better than croc meat, Breezy - chicken texture with fishy flavour - yeaach. Roo meat's OK Pete, but I prefer the fish down there, they have some great baramundi (barracuda? barricade? Bar the shouting?) Sonny boy has procured an industrial-sized barbie, and there will be plenty of smoke rising from Melba, Canberra.

No, dear, don't pack THOSE thongs!

Sorry, got to go splash the boots...