The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15221   Message #135581
Posted By: T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird)
13-Nov-99 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: Serious BS: HFA/NMPA Round 2 part II
Subject: RE: Serious BS: HFA/NMPA Round 2 part II
Chet W, Title 17 Section 107 (fair use) is still in the law, but its precise boundaries are not easy to determine. My own entirely private opinion (this is not legal advice, does not establish a lawyer-client relationship, etc.) is that 17 U.S.C. #107 would not apply to the Digital Tradition, though it might apply to some of what is posted to the Mudcat Discussion Forum.

A good place for getting basic copyright questions answered is a listserv known as the cni-copyright forum at Obviously an internet discussion board can't take the place of a lawyer's advice, but some might find it a good place to hone their questions before taking them to a lawyer. Other places of interest might be:

Lawyer Benedict O'Mahoney's web site.

Law Professor Dennis S. Karjala's web site.
