The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76360   Message #1356274
Posted By: dianavan
14-Dec-04 - 02:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Animaterra's mom's accident
Subject: RE: BS: Animaterra's mom's accident
I'm sorry to hear about your mom's accident. My mom is approaching 80 and has a perfectly healthy (except for a little wear and tear) body. The last thing they need is to be hit by a truck!

Make sure that you tell your mom to breathe deeply and often. The worst thing about these injuries is the imobility that follows. It makes them ripe for pneumonia. Make sure she takes lots of deep breaths to keep he lungs functioning properly. Get her up and walking as soon as possible.

Sounds like she is in good spirits. Hope your holidays are happy. Remember to take some time for yourself.