The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76511   Message #1356559
Posted By: breezy
14-Dec-04 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: Spotlight St Albans Sun 19th Dec
Subject: Spotlight St Albans Sun 19th Dec
It opened in Jan and its still going.

This Sunday is our last of the year and we will re-open on Sunday 9th January when the guests will be Cornwalls answer to Artisan/Cockersdale, namely Thorn and Roses.

It would be good to see as many of you as possible who have helped make the spotlight so successful, you'll all get floor spots and I'll only do the bare minimum, promise.

a big THANKS to everyone who has taken part, all the guests who have put on excellent shows some having travelled from miles.

The programme is now complete till April 2005 and if you want to see it visit George Papavgeris's w-site where there is a link to the club via contacts

Oh nearly forgot its at The Royal British Legion, Verulam Road, St Albans, Herts Eng doors open 7.30 starts 8.00p.m reasonable beer prices.

the R B L is well worth supporting, not just at remembrance time.

ps the Friday Club will also use the R B L opening on Friday 14th Jan with Kevin Buxton as the main Guest,, cos its a bitnippy in the barn at the Duke where we plan to return in April