The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76448   Message #1356715
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
14-Dec-04 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Is he in tune?
Subject: RE: Is he in tune?
"Perfect pitch" is a poor name for the ability to hear a note and give the name of it. It's rare. I once had a summer job with a music major who had perfect pitch. We were riding home on the bus one day, and something on the bus was emitting a very pure, high squeak. I, wondering if the brakes were about to fail, said "I wonder what that is." She said, "It's D."

That's perfect pitch. She was born with it.

When I was in high school, two of the music teachers tried to see if we could develop perfect pitch. Every once in a while they would say "Sing C!" and we would make a stab at it. It never worked. so perhaps people can cultivate perfect pitch, but I doubt it.