The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76522   Message #1356905
Posted By: Donuel
14-Dec-04 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Send Home the Troops song
Subject: BS: Send Home the Troops song
There's no money to buy
the armor you want
but there's money to burn
for W's stunts.

Its never your turn
when its time to come home.
Its too late to learn
when you're cut to the bone.

He'll land on a carrier.
You'll land in Iraq.
You'll build a barrier.
with the bodies ya stack.

You couldn't be braver
to fight for a lie.
George is our savior
while you're left to die.

If we dare yell
send home our troops.
they yell bloody hell
thats not supportin the troops.

You knew from the start
about WMDs.
You know in your heart
that hate's a disease.

No need to go further.
I want you back home
with no pictures of torture
you took with your phone.

But you're waitin your turn
for your time to come home.
Its too late to learn
when you're cut to the bone.