The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76527   Message #1358489
Posted By: catspaw49
16-Dec-04 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: One Bright Shining Moment of True Clarity
Subject: RE: BS: OneBright,Shining,MomentOfTrueClarity
LMAO......Ohmygawd Seamus, that one is great although I don't think people like John ever have any moments of clarity! But I tell you what John does have........He has a soul mate living here in Ohio. I'm recycling this tale I told a few years ago because I really think we should try to play matchmaker and fix these two up with a date! See if you don't agree...........

We stopped at a Ponderosa for supper. I asked the teenage girl behind the counter for some cream for my coffee. This turned out to be a stupid question. I had looked in the stainless bin thingy and all there was left was the ice to cool the little creamer containers. She stared down at the empty bin like it had just been deposited there by aliens. Since she wasn't moving, I thought I should elaborate.....a real mistake.

I said, "You know, that bin there with the ice.....It holds the milk.......The ice keeps it cool.........It's empty....." She stares at me as though I am the alien and still doesn't move. Okay, I keep trying. "You know, cream? Milk? To put in my coffee. The milk goes in the bin there and I get some to put into my coffee???" Suddenly it seems to dawn on her and she says she'll be right back. I turned to Karen, who's a bit incredulous herself, and I make disparaging comments about the girl.

Karen is chastising me for being a curmudgeon when Miss Ditz returns with an open pint of milk. I'm thinking, "Okay, so they're out of creamer," and reach to take the carton from her when...........have you got it figured out?................yeah, that's right,....she pours the carton of milk into the bin with the half-melted ice! There is a 2 second pause before Karen and I look at each other and then are convulsed in laughter. It's so bad that it takes a minute or so for me to say, "Can I see the manager for a minute?" Manager arrives and I, choking with laughter, try my best to tell the tale. He finally looks down and sees the bin, full of watery, icey, milk and stares at Miss Ditz..........Then back at the bin........Then again at Miss Ditz.........Then back at the bin.........And after his own "pregnant pause," starts laughing himself. Nice fella'.......gave us a 25% discount saying the laugh was worth it.
