The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76582   Message #1358677
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
16-Dec-04 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Good to see on Mudcat....
Subject: RE: BS: Good to see on Mudcat....
Good to see? I always nejoy people who post about they really LOVE. No matter what music it is... I just enjoy seeing the excitement that music can bring.

I remember the first time I heard Gee by the Crows... some people consider it the first rock and roll recording, although it was a rhythm and blues group. I used to lie on my back late at night when I was a teenager, trying to listen to WFOX in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on my portable radio (which I still have.) The signal was erratic, and I'd use my arms as antennae, trying to cathc the songs. They played rhythm and lbues (this was the early 50's.)

Hey, why am I doing this... think I'll start another thread rather than wishing someone would start it.
