The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15275   Message #135910
Posted By: Tiger
14-Nov-99 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: Good site for Kid Tunes
Subject: RE: Good site for Kid Tunes
Paul - one further note.

If you wanted LOTS of MIDIs, you could temporarily change the cache location to a folder called, perhaps, "New MIDIs". Then go back to the MIDI site and view 'em all (not necessary to the entire song). Then print the web page they're indexed on, so you'll know the order in which they occur, and what the titles are.

Now go back to your browser setup and redirect the cache folder back to it's original location.

In your "New MIDI's" folder, you'll have a slew of .MID files, plus a few odds 'n ends like HTMLs and Gifs (which can be easily deleted). Then use your printed index and go back into the folder to give everything the name you want.

Good luck......Tiger