The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76602   Message #1359143
Posted By: GUEST,Puffenkinty
16-Dec-04 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'Old Farmer Bunn', a Yorkshire tune?
Subject: 'Old Farmer Bunn', a Yorkshire tune?
Years ago a friend of my family sang a song he called
"Old Farmer Bunn". He sang it in a heavy accent, Yorkshire
I think.

He could only remember one and one-half verses which went
as follows:

"Old Farmer Bunn, he got 'im a gun
And 'ee looked down the barrel
For to see how t'were done,
On the very first try, 'ee got it in the eye,
And he never 'ad time fer to say, 'Bye-bye."

Why do 'ee go fer to ack thicky way?
Becuzz 'ee were a vool (fool)
And a gurt (great) big vool,
Becuzz 'ee were a vool
As us ah (all) do say.

Old Farmer Bunn 'ee got him a dook (duck)
And 'ee cut off 'er feet
Cuz 'er stook (stuck) in the mook(muck).... "

That's all I ever heard. Does anybody know anything
about this song? Is it from Yorkshire? Does
anybody know any further adventures of the
