The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76586   Message #1359395
Posted By: catspaw49
17-Dec-04 - 02:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy birthday, Noreen
Subject: RE: BS: Happy birthday, Noreen
What the hell is the matter with you people? For over two years now I have tried to tell you that these birthday threads have to say something different!!! Not the same old drivel with minor variations ferchrissakes!! You all know that Joe hates these threads because he says they are all alike. I have stepped into the breach to assure that every one is DIFFERENT!!!! Why do I have to be the one to do this? Let me get Noreen's out of the way.........

Noreen my dear, I want you to have not just a happy or joyous day, but an eyeball popping, peter pounding, monstously orgasmic day and may you happily be on crutches for a week!!!

Now see how easy that was? Outside of decorum and good taste, what the hell is keeping the rest of you from jumping in and giving the birthdayee a special greeting which would take the load off of me and satisfy tight-ass Joe? You know what could happen if we don't keep these things different as well as I do. Joe will get so upset that he issues some new edict and we no longer have individual threads but instead have some kind of monthly thing. That would be bad. Even worse is that Shambles would view it as another attempt at censorship or something and commence writing epic treatises which we would have to slog through and never be able to figure out what the fuck he is talking about!!!!

Is that what we want? Three gigabytes of confusing and convoluted prose from Roger?   I think not! Take action NOW!!! The next time you post to a birthday thread, make your post DIFFERENT!!! I can't do it all myself dammit but I'll be buggered if I'm going to go blind and suffer migraines from reading "Shamble Shit" just becasue you all won't get on the stick.


And Noreen, again........well, you know..............
