The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76616   Message #1359770
Posted By: GUEST,Jim
17-Dec-04 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: Guitar right hand technique
Subject: RE: Guitar right hand technique
I played guitar for 20 years before starting to learn fingerstyle. I wish I'd had someone to show me right from the start - and there weren't any "How to play...." type books back in 1965 (apart from Bert Weedon of course). I agree most youngsters don't seem to be that bothered, which is a real shame.

It's worth the effort. I heard a Lucy Kaplanski track "Guinevere" and was convinced there were two guitarists - 'til I worked out the pattern. It's surprising how mastering particular favourites gives you the tools to move ahead so much further and quicker.

"Vincent Black Lightning" (Richard Thompson) was another song I found a real challenge - trying to get 2 halves of my brain to think repeating bass pattern, and melody runs, then translating that into co-ordinated thumb and finger action - keeping solid timing as well -nearly drove me mad.

Good strong nails help.