The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76616   Message #1359924
Posted By: PoppaGator
17-Dec-04 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: Guitar right hand technique
Subject: RE: Guitar right hand technique
Some of the very best players use Chet Atkins' technique -- holding a flatpick between thumb and index finger while using (bare) middle and ring fingers for additional picking. Gives "best of both worlds", flat and fingerpicking. I've made several brief, halfhearted, and ultimately failed attepts to do this -- besides the problem of developing a whole new kind of dexterity, there's the issue of balancing the volume of the flatpicked notes vs the bare-finger-plucked notes. One solution to the latter complication is Tunesmith's -- wear fingerpicks on the middle & ring fingers.

Also -- I made a mistake on those two measures of tab I tried to contruct in my last post. Omit the final treble note that I indicated in each measure. The rhythm per 4/4/ measure should go like this:

1 pinch (thumb/middle)
& index
2 thumb
& middle
3 thumb
& index
4 thumb
& (rest)