The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76616   Message #1359997
Posted By: GUEST,punkfolkrocker
17-Dec-04 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: Guitar right hand technique
Subject: RE: Guitar right hand technique
i might be wrong
.. a lot of time has passed since Dr Feelgoods 1st album..

but at the time me and my mates tried our hardest to copy Wilkos
superfast riffing & strumming.. failing miserably in the process..

until i'm sure we discovered the reason was that he played
simultaneous bass riffs, lead and chords with his fingers..

i have vague memories of us all being in awe
and extra impressed by the bloody battering his fingertips got
from playing his telecaster with heavy weight gauge strings
with a wound 'G'..

Wilko is deservedly one of the most influential UK guitarists from the 70's..

though many guitarists world-wide now probably dont realise it,
or sadly have ever heard of him..