The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76511   Message #1360704
Posted By: breezy
18-Dec-04 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: Spotlight St Albans Sun 19th Dec
Subject: RE: Spotlight St Albans Sun 19th Dec
It was bloody cold out today.

Graham Lyndon-Jones is remarkable, he is doing a 'buskers apprentice course' and making good progress his edge is the bagpipe!!! May see him tomorrow too.

Met with Janet and Roy who have nothing planned for Sunday! So they may pop along.

Things is tough at Redborn with the new landlords having done up the room and now wanna charge for it.

Mayors carol concert outside the arena at 4 and the mayor is unchained since someone nicked £31,000 worth of regalia when he was in the pub!!!! It could only happen to Gordon , wonder if it'll turn up for the mummers on Boxing Day

see ya tomorrow accordion to my diary