The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76683   Message #1361448
Posted By: Peace
19-Dec-04 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Overcoming Liberalism. A 12 step Program
Subject: RE: BS: Overcoming Liberalism. A 12 step Program
Getting hung up on definitions doesn't really address who believes what.

I believe people should receive free health care when they need it. Period.

I believe people should be able to improve their lot in life by the work they do, and if they are for one reason or another unable to do or find employment, they should receive a helping hand from the rest of us.

I believe that people have worth regardless of their 'station' in life; the job they do, the circumstances under which they live.

I believe that women have as much intrinsic worth as men, and I also know that people should be judged based on what they do and the intent with which they do it.

I believe that all people, regardless of their mental, physical or spiritual 'disabilities' deserve respect simply because they are human.

I believe it is wrong to exploit people for money.

I believe that people are more important than things.

I believe that 'isms' have caused too many problems on this planet.

I don't know what that makes me, and I am not really interested in how I am perceived because of what I wrote above. I don't figure any of it makes me one political thing or another. It's enough for me that it makes me feel good about being human.

Bruce M