The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76683   Message #1361470
Posted By: pdq
19-Dec-04 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Overcoming Liberalism. A 12 step Program
Subject: RE: BS: Overcoming Liberalism. A 12 step Program

   Free/Universal Health Care
   Ban all firearms
   Ban the Bible because it is "hate speech"
   Ban all private vehicles that get less than 40 MPG
   Make male+male homosexual marriages legal/normal
   Make female+female (lesbian) marriages legal/normal
   Make Social Security death benefits pass to homosexual partners (married or not)
   Nationalize the oil industry
   Nationalize the electricity industry
   Nationalize the transportation industry
   Nationalize the gas industry
   Nationalize the health care industry
   Nationalize the auto industry
   Nationalize the pharmaceutical industry
   Ban Private ownership of radio and television stations
   Make the US subject to decisions of the World Court
   Make the US subservient to the United Nations
   End the two party system and only have "Democrat" on ballot
   Unlimited immigration (6.2 Billion more people are OK)
   Give all new immigrants free social services, same as American citizens get
   Give all new immigrants full Social Security benefits
   End the GI Bill
   End Veteran's Hospital System
   End all special care for veterans
   Ban all rallies by white and other "non-minority" groups
   Support gays in the military so that Cpt. Jones and Cpt. Smith
       (both males) can kiss while reviewing the troops
   Ban all CB and Ham radios as possible weapons of right-wing extremists
   Ban the Boy Scouts and declare them a "Hate Group"
   Ban the practice of "loyalty oaths" at all levels of government
   Ban The Ten Commandments from any public display
   Ban Christmas from all public documents
   Remove all trace of religion from all government-owned buildings
   End pledge of allegiance from all schools, public and private
   Ban all private schools unless they follow exact curriculum of public schools
   End home schooling
   (this is a partial list...add more if you wish to...)