The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75766   Message #1361832
Posted By: Joybell
20-Dec-04 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Traveller and Romany influence on Trad
Subject: RE: Origins: Traveller and Romany influence on Trad
Azizi, My questions about Black Sal and the milkmaids were directed at any visiting Morris dancers, or anyone else who might have some solid information about the subject. Whether they have any place here, on this thread, is speculation on my part. I did start a thread about Black Sal but we didn't get very far. I have quite a bit about her and there is some information on the net. The best reference I have found is in a very well researched book about the Gypsies. I'll chase it up and give it if you want.
The little pieces of coloured cloth turn up in many countries, including all over the UK, in India, Africa and South America. Often they are tied to thorn bushes or "sacred" trees. The custom is so wide-spread it would be hard, I think, to find origins of the practice. You could find connections though and that interests me. Cheers, Joy