The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76718   Message #1362146
Posted By: Amergin
21-Dec-04 - 03:50 AM
Thread Name: Home For the Holiday-story by Amergin
Subject: Home For the Holiday-story by Amergin
Home for the Holiday

        She looked down at the empty table and set up two places on the flowery red and white table cloth. There were only two places this year. No one else was coming. She sighed in sadness as she thought of spending the holiday alone, well alone except for Irwin. He was hardly around anyways, though his presence was always felt.
        She looked up at the entryway and sees him coming in, the candlelight flickering on his smiling teeth. He looked around at the empty chairs and asked, "So, where is everyone tonight?"
        "Oh, they're all spending the day with friends." She told him sadly.
        "What? Friends are more important than family? Oh well, at least we have each other."
        She smiled at him and said, "Yes, at least we are together. Now, hand me your plate, Irwin, and tell me what you want."
        He told her of all the goodies he wished her to lay on his plate. Soon, it was heaping full, almost overflowing with mashed potatoes, turkey, gravy, yams, red cabbage, pickled pumpkin cubes, and everything else his hungry eyes could imagine. Lastly, she poured him a glass of dark red merlot. She gave him the plate and gently placed the glass on the table by his hand. Then, she filled up her own plate and her own crystal glass of wine. Next, she took his hand in hers and said, "Now, let's say the blessing." They bowed their heads and she spoke to her god. "Oh Heavenly Father, we are thankful today for this great feast. We thank you for letting us be together for one more year. We ask that you watch over our grandson, Michael, who is stationed over in Iraq and to please bring him home to us safe and unharmed. We ask that you watch over our loved ones as they travel home this holiday season. We thank you and ask for your blessing in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen." Irwin repeated her "Amen" and they began to eat.
        "Oh my God, Rena. This is delicious! I haven't had anything this good in a long time!"
        "It has been a long time, hasn't it? Almost two years." She mused. "Though a lot of times it seems like it was just yesterday, when you...." She couldn't finish what she was saying and broke down in tears.
        "Now, now, Rena. It's ok. I'm here now. I'm always with you." he said as he patted her old wrinkled hand. "So you said Michael's in Iraq?"
        "Yes, he's been there since August. He volunteered to go. He just wanted some action. He calls home all the time. The foolish boy is bored out of his mind, but that's just fine by me."
        He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm sure he'll be coming home safe."
        She looked into his green eyes. "I know he will. I know the Good Lord will him back home safe and sound. I pray for him every day."
        "I know, Rena. So how are the other grandchildren?"
        "Well, Caitlin is enrolling into beauty school in a few weeks. She decided a few months ago that she wanted to become a nurse, but she thought about it and chose to go the beauty school. She has wanted to do that since she was just a little girl."
        "Good for her. She should follow her heart instead of doing what others think she should do."
        "Yes, exactly." She sipped on her wine. "We have two new great grandchildren now."
        He stopped eating and looked into her tired eyes. She stared back at him. She could tell he was deep in thought as if trying to remember something. She could almost see the gears straining to whirl inside his head. She thought she saw wisps of steam drift from his ears.
        "You know," he said, "Now that I think about it, I do remember hearing something about it. A boy and a girl right?"
        She smiled at him. "Yes. The boy is Denise's son. His name is Simon. The girl is Michael's. They called her Helen. Poor Michael hasn't even held her yet. She was born a couple of months after he was deployed to Iraq."
        "What? You mean that boy volunteered when he had a baby coming?" he exploded.
        "Well, the pay was suppose to be good and he wanted his family to be provided for, and like I said earlier, he wanted some action. Oh Irwin, you should see them both. They are so cute and adorable. I just love watching them smile. They remind me of you."
        He smiled. "I may go visit them tonight. How old are they?"
        "Simon is a year and a half old and Helen is only three months."
        "A year and a half? That means...." His words trailed off as he became immersed in thought once more.
        "Irwin, it means she was three months pregnant when you left. I wish you had stayed long enough to see him born." She said sadly, with just a hint of accusation in her tone.
        "Rena, I had to leave. You know that. I would have loved to have been able to stay with you, with everyone. I just couldn't, no matter how much I wanted to."
        "You didn't try hard enough, Irwin." His eyes opened wide and his hand raised to his cheek as if she had slapped him. She watched as tears threatened to spill down his cheeks, as he woefully eyed her horrified look. She raised her hand and covered her mouth as if to prevent anymore words from escaping her quivering lips.
        "I see." He said with a mournful sigh of resignation. "I suppose I deserved that."
        "Oh, I'm so sorry, Irwin. I didn't mean it. Honestly."
        "No, Rena. I know it was the truth. It was, after all, my own actions that forced me to leave. All those years of smoking that poison. It was my own fault. It's ok." He reached over and patted her hand in an attempt at consolation. She smiled at him as th tears rolled down her wrinkled cheeks. He gently laid his hand on her face and wiped the tears away with his thumb. She reached up and clasped his wrist, closing her eyes as she soaked in his loving warmth. She opened her hazel brown eyes and asked, "Are you ready for dessert?"
        He laughed. "Rena, you know I'm always ready for dessert. What do you have? Pumpkin pie?"
        "Of course I have pumpkin pie!" She raised herself from the table "Do you want whipped cream on it?"
        "Of course I do! Pile it on as high as you can!"
        She picked up a knife and pointed it at the pie. "How big do you want your piece?"
        "As big as you can fit on a plate." he said with a wink.
        She laughed and cut him a large piece of the pie and piled fresh whipped cream on top of it, until it threatened to topple onto the floor. She walked over and placed it in front of him. "Are you sure you can eat all of that?"
        He laughed. "Rena, if it is as good as it looks I can eat three pieces just like it."
        She giggled and went to cut herself a slice.
        "Oh god, Rena, this is absolutely fabulous! I don't think I have ever had a pie this good!"
        She beamed in pride at him. "Oh, Irwin, you tell me that every year and I always use the same recipe every time."
        "Well it's just that your recipe is just as good every year and my taste buds are always shocked with how delicious the pie is." He winked at her.
        She giggled as she slid a bite into her mouth. "This is good," she exclaimed. He smiled at her and all that was heard were the mmmm's and the aaaahs as they gobbled down their desserts.
        Irwin shoved his empty plate away and patted his now protuberant belly. "Oh boy, that was so good. Thank you, Rena." he said with a smile of satisfaction.
        "You're welcome, Irwin. You know you're always welcome here."
        His grin fell from his face and he replied, "I know, Rena, I know. I just wish I could stay."
        "You're not staying?" She cried, alarm flashing across her face.
        "No, sweetie, I came back to be with you one more time."
        "But, Irwin, I thought you would be staying this time."
        "I can't. I'm sorry. I wish I could but I can't. You know why too."
        She sighed. "I know. I was just hoping you could. Can you at least stay a little longer?"
        "Of course, Rena, but only a little while longer."

        They leaned over and kissed. Then they rose from the table and walked into the living room. They sat down next to each other and snuggled into each other's arms.
        "I love you, Irwin."
        "I love you too, Rena"
        They kissed again, eyes closed feeling the passion of a life long partnership. He opened his eyes and saw the pictures of his great grand babies. "Rena, those children are gorgeous! Helen looks just lik3 you."
        She blushed. "Simon reminds me of your baby pictures."
        "Oh I was never that handsome."
        "No, you never were." She laughed as she kissed him again and they laid there together just holding each other, kissing and reminiscing about their years together. She hoped it could remain like this forever, but she knew it could not.
        Sure enough, he disentangled himself from her arms. "Rena, sweetie. It's time for me to go."
        She jumped up to her feet. "Already? Can't you please just stay a little longer?"
        He shook his head sadly. "I can't, Rena. I really wish I could. I'm sorry." He held out his arms and she placed herself between them, shaking with tears as she felt the warmth of his love wrapping her body.
        "Then, please take me with you."
        "I can't do that either, Rena. At least not yet." He leaned his head forward and kissed her on the forehead. "I promise next time I come, I'll take you with me." He let her go and walked to the door. He opened it and turned back to her. "I'm going to go visit our great grandchildren. Then, I'll be gone til next time. But if you wish to see me sooner, just look into your heart and think about our wonderful years together, just look at the faces of our children and grandchildren and you will see my love staring back at you. Rena, just please remember. I will always love you." He went out the door and shut it behind him.
        "Irwin!" she cried out as she ran to the door and yanked it open. She looked up and down the street for him, but he was gone.
        She walked back into the living room, to the fire mantle, tears streaming down her face. She looked at his picture, there, blurry through the salt of her weeping, She studied it deeply, each wrinkle, each white hair on his head and in his bear, that smile....oh that smile. She turned her eyes to the small brass box sitting next to it, the one containing his ashes. Her eyes followed each curve of the designs etched into the lid, tears dripping down her chin. Then she saw the flag, folded into three corners. It was the flag bestowed to her at his military funeral, in honour of the service he gave to his country. She can still hear the rifles firing into the air and the bugle slowly playing Taps.
        She picked up the flag and cradled it to her breast as she sat back down into her chair. It was the chair he always loved to sit in. She remembered his words as she cuddled with it, tears trickling down onto it's plastic covering. "I promise next time I come, I'll take you with me."   She broke down weeping once more, but this time cloaked in the tender solace of his words. He will come back and next time he will take her with him. "I love you, Irwin. I'll be right here, waiting for you." Through her sobs, through her lonely sorrow, she smiled.

Nathan Tompkins