The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76702   Message #1362224
Posted By: John MacKenzie
21-Dec-04 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: Birmingham play closed by mob
Subject: RE: Birmingham play closed by mob
If the members of the Sikh, and other immigrant communities integrated more with the inhabitants of their adopted country, and remember that it many cases they chose to live in the country, then the would be more accepted. This in turn would lead to their feeling 'at home' and secure. It is insecurity and suspicion of the motives of the predominently white run theatre that put this play on that is behind this. The way they see it, this play would never have seen the light of day in the Punjab, and they seem to be trying to impose the same values on this country. I can't remember who said it, or the exact words, but this play may be crap, but I defend to the death their right to put it on. They showed Tracy Emin's 'Bed', and Damien Hirsts 'Mother and Child'and I hated them, but that doesn't mean I should rouse a rabble of my mates and force the National Gallery or wherever to close down.
