The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76702   Message #1362226
Posted By: MuddleC
21-Dec-04 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: Birmingham play closed by mob
Subject: RE: Birmingham play closed by mob
In this 'free' country that everyone seems so intent on entering, the proper response should have been ..
Last night was the opening of an extremely nasty play at the Vic. Being a critic, I didn't have to pay to get in, but still felt cheated....@
-remember, you don't have to go in. Vote with your feet!
Just look at some Shakespeare plots for 'non-politically correct' plots, -I'll just go and get my pitch-fork, Stratford's not far....death to the RSC! down with iambic pentameter!
.. I think the stuff in the Tate Modern could do with a bit of a torching, who's coming???.....

Actually, what 'Guest' had written earlier is very thought provoking:-
"During a performance by the Watersons in which they included a song about hunting "Dido, Bendigo" a group of anti-hunting demonstrators stormed the folk club, tearing off the doors, smashing windows and terrorising the audience.
The brewery responsible for the evening's entertainment upheld the right of the group to sing whatever they wished, but in the interests of public safety decided to close the folk club and ensure the Watersons were not booked at any of their other venues".
-similar songs were declared illegal under Health & Safety legislation passed following a lively 2 minute debate after which the Parliament Act was used in order to allow the whole House of 5 MP's to go home for their tea.
I.D cards will solve it...................................NOT!