The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75766   Message #1362249
Posted By: InOBU
21-Dec-04 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Traveller and Romany influence on Trad
Subject: RE: Origins: Traveller and Romany influence on Trad
Hi Joybell:
I usually hear Kali Sara as mentioned that way, inverted about, here in the US, and of course Ron Lee the Romani activist in Canada's wonderful band is called the same. My band, just by coincidence is called Sorcha Dorcha, Kali Sara in Gaelic. As to the question about the language Travellers speak, some people believe it to be the pre-celtic Irish language, and there are some words borrowed from Romani and changed, i believe, for example the Romani word for a bride is a Bori, the gammon word is Beor, I have heard Travellers call a dog a 'noosh' though the proper word in gammon is comra or something like that, (here in the US sometimes the gaelic word madra is used as well) but back to noosh, Manush is the Romani word for fellow, niether Rom - the word for man, spesificly Roma man, or Gyzho, non Romani man, so I believe Travellers calling their dog, fella, one of the guys is the evolution of the word noosh. You can hear the word in the song Big Pat from Boleneer on one of the recordings of Traveller music made a few decades ago.
Best wishes to all,
Romaleh Savaleh, Arrac sa gyzhen,
and a merry christmass to all*

*Ps happy Ramadan, Dawali, Chanuka, Kwansa, not belthaine or samhain, the other mid winter pagan thingee... what is it called merry that too... and merry and happy happy void to the nillests among us...