The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76731   Message #1362613
Posted By: Bobert
21-Dec-04 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Traveling Outhouses--$1,000,000 Idea.
Subject: RE: BS: Traveling Outhouses--$1,000,000 Idea.
Well, this ain't got nuthin' to do with buildin' a bigger and better sh*thouse but...

... back 'round '97 when my poor couzin Rufus lost the back half of his double wide in a bet over a danged high school football game and Scottie came and got it, well, since the bathroom was in the back half he lost his bathroom so...

... just after returnin' from the K-Mart with several blue tarps to keep the critters out of the front half, ol' Rufus dug him a big hole and with the help of his drinkin' buddies and some ol' barn lumber that Raplh Tatt donated, in just two days he had him one of the finest privies in Wes Ginny. Better than any of them ol' Roosevelt privies that the government built back before the Big War.

Well, it was so nice that his wife, the sweet Retha May, spent many an hour in there puttin' up curtains and tackin' down some of that green indoor-outhouse carpet and had it looking purdy spiffy...

I think it was 'bout three years ago, maybe four, and we had a terrible snow storm up in this holler and folks lectrical was out everywhere and folks was burnin' whatever they could to stay warm and Rufus and Retha May had burnt up theit last dry wood and there weren't no more dry wood to be found... the temps were going down, down, down and other that the couch and the tv there weren't nuthin' left to burn... Well, except for that privy...

Now I'm here to tell ya' that I'd hate to ever have to make a choice between a privy and a little heat but these folks did... Sho nuff, they did... an' so Rufus took his chainsaw out back, up thru the little paths that he'd shoveled out in the snow and cut that privy up one board at a time and thowed 'um in the woodstove in the half a double wide with the blue tarp back on it...

And to this very day I've struggled trying to find a moral to this story, as has ol' Rufus and Retha May but sometimes ya just gotta leave it alone... but swear off bettin' on dumb football games.
