The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76702   Message #1362926
Posted By: GUEST,kenny
22-Dec-04 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: Birmingham play closed by mob
Subject: RE: Birmingham play closed by mob
There was one similar incident in Scotland some 30 years ago, as I recall. Billy Connolly was in the process of breaking out of the Scottish folk club circuit, and was playing in a large theatre in Glasgow. At that time he had recorded an LP which included a sketch on the Last Supper, setting it in Glasgow. [ This was where he got the nickname of "The Big Yin" ]. The monologue was extremely funny – I saw him do it several times – but no doubt could have caused offence to committed Christians. The Glasgow show was picketed by one Pastor Jack Glass and some of his supporters, accusing Connolly of blasphemy. Their protest as I recall was entirely peaceful, and Connolly's show went ahead, to no doubt enlarged audiences as a result of the publicity it got on nationwide TV. Connolly's comment was that "Christianity has been around for nearly 2000 years. If it feels threatened by Billy Connolly, it must be in a worse state than I thought".
30 years later, Christianity is still around, and so is "The Big Yin".