The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76731   Message #1363099
Posted By: Rapparee
22-Dec-04 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Traveling Outhouses--$1,000,000 Idea.
Subject: RE: BS: Traveling Outhouses--$1,000,000 Idea.
There is a book (photographs) called "Outhouses of Alaska." Since Alberta and BM are north, far north, of me and Alaska is farther north of BM, you'd think that the outhouses in Alaska would be insulated, fur-lined, heated, and equipped with warm blankets, but they're not. I've been in 'em and I know.

Now right at the moment we in Idaho are enduring a blast of cold Albertan air, and yesterday we had SNOW! courtesy of the same air. And if Alberta is as cold as the used air they send us, the outhouses there must surely be warmly outfitted. If real, honest to God, Albertan outhouses were available to the elk, duck and other hunters and to the fisherfolk (ice and sane) here in Idaho, you could wipe up the competion -- nobody would use anything else.

Put me in for another share. I'll pay the bribes to the officials myself.

And unless Alaska Mike or Ebbie get into this, I'll take the Alaska franchise as well.