The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76683   Message #1363435
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
22-Dec-04 - 03:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Overcoming Liberalism. A 12 step Program
Subject: RE: BS: Overcoming Liberalism. A 12 step Program
12 Step program to becoming an insignificant fringe group.

1. Admit you are a liberal.   The last politician to do it was George McGovern and he lost 49 states.   

2. Continue to criticize the administration but offer no actual plan on what you would do differently.   (hint- go to my website is not an actual plan)

3. Make Howard Dean the head of your party.

4. Publicize Michael Moore, Barbra Streisand, Al Franken, and Susan Sarandon.   Make sure Moore gets a seat of honor at the convention.

5. Pay Al Sharpton (and no other candidtate)to prmote the democratic party. Give him a prime speech at the convention.

6. Continue to recount votes in Ohio (note- the electoral college has already voted in Bush and Chaney)

7. while you on it, continue to fight the Florida 2000 election- make sure to say Bush was selected- not elected.   (note- we didn't need a recount in Florida this year did we)

8. Continue to tell the public that the economy is the worst ever. Keep pushing pessimism.   When the third quarter number come out and say we grew the GNP at 3.9% (above expectations) tell people how they are really lousy jobs.

9. Continue to have people move from the northeast to the South and Southwest.   By 2010 Florida will surpass NY in electoral votes and NC will surpass NJ.   That means, blue states get smaller, and red states get bigger. 9 of the 10 fastest growing states are Red.   The only fast growing blue state is Delaware- whoppdy doo.

10. Ignore moderates like Liebeman, Evan Bayh, and Bill Richardson.   Make sure they don't get any prime time appearances at conventions.

11. Continue the fight whether to move to the left or the center. Have the Howard Dean/Move Moore faction fight with the Bill and Hillory faction and fight with the Kerry/Kennedy faction.   Have one faction split off and form their own party.

12.   Finally.....nominate Hillary Clinton for president in 2008.

Follow these simple steps and the democratic party can soon be the next green party, or progressive party, or independant party, or earth party, or slumber party.