The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76702   Message #1363617
Posted By: GUEST
22-Dec-04 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: Birmingham play closed by mob
Subject: RE: Birmingham play closed by mob
As a Dutch politician, now living under death threats because of his speeches after a Dutch filmaker was shot by Muslim extremists said;
"We have been too tolerant of the intolerant"
This surely is the new war. The intolerant are in all our communities, from the fundamentalists of America to the Sikhs of Birmingham. Our dilemma is how do we defend our tolerance? By becoming intolerant ourselves? If we don't they win. If we do we lose what we hold most dear. It's a rock and a hard place. But if we don't fight what I saw today called "the counter enlightenment", then we go back to ignorance.
I think it's time to be counted though the cost may be great.But are we brave enough as our fathers were when faced with fascism?