The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76702   Message #1363633
Posted By: greg stephens
22-Dec-04 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: Birmingham play closed by mob
Subject: RE: Birmingham play closed by mob
McGrath of Harlow's contribution was a little sad, from a man who used to support liberal values. He thinks the playwright should adjust the setting of the play to appease some elders or some mob or something. That's why O'Casey left Ireland: he felt, as a playwright, that he would kind of like to write his plays himself, and not have them written for him by priests. Joyce likewise.
    I can think of all sorts of ways I would like playwrights to rewrite their plays(and especially how Andrew Lloyd Webber should rewrite his musicals, basically he should give up): but by and large I'll go along with the kind of society which a lot have people have fought hard over centuries to achieve in Britain: when playwrights write plays and priests can organise church services.