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Thread #76702   Message #1364113
Posted By: The Shambles
23-Dec-04 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: Birmingham play closed by mob
Subject: RE: Birmingham play closed by mob
If Shambles, or anyone else, wants to suggest ways in which any song of mine could be improved they are welcome. If I agree, I'd change it. And even if I disagreed, they'd still be perfectly welcome to sing it their way if they wished.

A kind of answer to a simple question that Mr Blair's Government would no doubt approve of, for in this case we are not talking of improvements or asking the originator to come up with a solution - the protestors are telling the author what would be acceptable to them and not accepting the right of the playwright to state exactly what they wish to.

Would it not be equally reasonable and prudent - to leave the play as written and for those who had seen the play and did not share that view to produce something that did express their position?

Perhaps you would suggest that everyone should have their own website where they could tinker with and have their own preferred, safe and sanitised versions of all the existing great works of art? Art must be a personal statement. It is there to be appreciated or shot-at, but it cannot be first subject to committee approval or latterly to mob rule.

The only reason to ask a playwright to change the final version of their work - is in the expectation of their possibly being such a change in response. In my view, it is not acceptable to even make such a request or to have such an expectation - no matter how reasonable or prudent you may think the request to be (this time). Next time the mob is stirred-up you may not think the demands to be reasonable or prudent.

What is the message being given by this action to other groups, who may be making in the future - what you may feel, to be less reasonable and prudent demands? It really does not matter whether you or I think the demanded changes are reasonable or prudent - do you not accept that this is a matter entirely for the author?

You seem to be suggesting that the author was in some way responsible for the mob being allowed to break things and threaten violence - by not agreeing to what you consider were reasonable or prudent demands.
All this quibbling by you is not acceptable - we do have the right of freedom of expression guaranteed to us under legislation - the important question is why is mob rule being allowed to prevent it?