The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76822   Message #1364796
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
26-Dec-04 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: Work O Weavers Concert Sun. 12/19/04
Subject: Work O Weavers Concert Sun. 12/19/04
Last Sunday, December 19th I had the pleasure along with my wife, Fay (a/k/a scanner on Mudcat) and Nathan Gross (a/k/a Little Brother on Mudcat) to attend the Work O The Weavers concert at the Orangetown Jewish Center in Orangeburg, N.Y. We met up there with fellow Mudcatter Bill Hahn, co-host of the WFDU Radio program "Traditions". The concert was a huge success with over 400 people in attendance. This group is really great and sounds every bit like the original Weavers. During the intermission and after the show, we had the chance to chat with the performers and purchase their CDs which they all gracoiusly autographed for us. In addition to the original Weavers songs they also added some of their own new material which applies to the present day political situation. Since the concert was held in the main sanctuary of the synagogue the 3 male members of the group were asked to don yarmulkes for the performance but were not required to get circumcised.

          For those of you who want to see what I look like, Little Brother who in real life is a professional wedding photographer snapped a photo of Fay and myself together with Bill Hahn during intermission. I e-mailed the photo to Pene Azul as per Joe Offer's instructions. He will hopefully post it HERE with a blue link so everyone can view it.
                            SOL ZELLER (a/k/a Rabbi Sol)

Here's the photo