The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2954   Message #13648
Posted By: Timothy Jaques
30-Sep-97 - 09:13 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Peter Emberlay (from Creighton Collection
Subject: LYR ADD/CORR Peter Emberlay ^^^
There is a version of this New Brunswick/P.E.I song in the database, named Peter Emberly, and I have also e-mailed Dick another version I know. However thinking that it is best to have as many versions as possible, so that we may decide on what verses we'd prefer to sing, I post this one too. There is a long version in the Helen Creighton Collection. Versions have been sung by Ryan's Fancy, Tamarack (to a slower and probably more suitable tune), The Calamity Brothers, and lately Fergus O'Byrne and Jim Payne on their CD Wave Over Wave. The name is sometimes rendered "Amberlay", but it seems that "Emberlay" is correct, and one version says where he is buried in case you want to look up his tombstone.
The Prince Edward Island Music Series Vol. I (whence this comes) states "It is generally accepted that John Calhoun of Boiestown, New Brunswick, authored this song, although some insist that it is from the pen of Larry Gorman. Peter Emberlay died in a logging accident near Boiestown. He was born in Prince County, P.E.I." I have never seen anything which purports to be the author's original version.

Note: "Miramichi," a region of northern New Brunswick so named for the famous salmon river, is pronounced MARE--a--MA--SHEE."


My name is Peter Emberlay
As you may understand
I was born on Prince Edward Island
Close by the ocean strand
In eighteen hundred and eighty-two
When the flowers were a brilliant hue
I left my native counteree
My fortune to pursue.

I landed in New Brunswick
That lumbering counteree
I hired to work in the lumbering woods
Just south of the Miramichi
I hired to work in the lumbering woods
Where they cut the tall spruce down
While loading sleds out in the yard
I received my fatal blow.

Farewell to Prince Edward Island,
Cradled in the blue
No more I'll roam your sandy shores
Where my first breath I drew
No more I'll see your gallant ships
As they go sailing by
With banners fluttering in the breeze
Above their masts so high.

Farewell unto my father
It was he who drove me here
I could not get along with him
For his treatment was severe
It is not right to force a lad
Or to try to hold him down
For that will drive him from his home
To a fate of sad renown. ^^^