The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76784   Message #1365513
Posted By: sixtieschick
27-Dec-04 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: info pls: 60s music & spirituality
Subject: RE: info pls: 60s music & spirituality
Extensive research reveals that there were no victrolas or CD players during Descarte's time, so who can say whether or not he might have cut a "best hits" album if given half a chance? I have always found Dylan's remarks about his work and the public's reaction to it to be so much smokescreen. He seems to need to put down everyone around him, to what end I can hardly guess. Also, many artists disparage their own work; we tend to be a perfectionistic lot. The artist often sees only the gap between what he envisioned in his mind's eye and how it actually came out on paper or vinyl or whatever. Also, people like Lennon and Dylan knew that they were going through phases and trying to work things out for themselves--their songs expressed their work in progress on their psyches and didn't represent the illumination of a finished, enlightened soul. That doesn't cancel out the importance the work takes in the eyes or ears of the beholder. Sixties music introduced me to a world of possibilities. I probably would never have even read Tibetan and Vedic scriptures and Western philosophers had I not been introduced to them by rock, folk and protest music.