The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76784   Message #1365860
Posted By: *daylia*
28-Dec-04 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: info pls: 60s music & spirituality
Subject: RE: info pls: 60s music & spirituality
Music is among the fastest and most effective mediums for triggering and supporting "evolutionary" changes in individuals and groups, even nations! The music of the 60's was no exception. Avant-garde "classical" composers like John Cage were creating "music" that expressed the post-WWII global fear and hopelessness in the face of the Cold War and constant threat of nuclear holocaust (ie the "Art of Nothing"). On the other hand, the music of the hippies and folkies raised awareness and heralded massive change in the "departments" of ecology and civil rights. I consider this kind of music spiritual, because it supports life and is aligned with truth, peace and love.

I think the "revolutionary" music of the 60's was much healthier and more positive than the "revolutionary" music of today, though. The brutal gangsta rap, the satanic heavy metal etc are much more powerful, insidious influence than "classic rock" ever was, because of today's added visual stimulus (music videos). The combination poisons the innocent minds/psyches of the young and naive with hatred, despair, bigotry and violence.

Together with the ever-more-vicious video games (ever watched "Grand Theft Auto" where you win the game by killing cops and mowing down pedestrians?), this so-called "music" desensitizes and robs the young of a conscience. It's the very opposite of what I consider spiritual because it idealizes destruction, sickness, violence, hatred and death.

THe sounds, words, ideas and images that would have repulsed and horrified me at age 12 (and still do!) - well, unfortunately many of the today's youth don't even blink an eye at it. In other words, what sickens me turns them on. That's how "their" music influences them.

So, what's this kind of music doing to the "collective human psyche" of the 21st Century? Perish the thought   :-(
