The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76784   Message #1365910
Posted By: *daylia*
28-Dec-04 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: info pls: 60s music & spirituality
Subject: RE: info pls: 60s music & spirituality
And I do still believe that the 60s culture of social upheaval and "expanded consciousness," as spread via mass media including but not limited to popular music, had a tremendous and irreversible effect on society as a whole.

Yes it did - but I'm not sure it's irreversible. Ideas like "Peace and Love" just don't seem to arouse the enthusiasm of the young the way they used to.

In the mid-70's when I was 16, I'd quit my lifelong studies of classical piano and viola to teach myself guitar. I dreamed of becoming a rock star ... and one night I had an very interesting dream experience that seems to fit right in here.

I dreamed I was sleeping in the old bedroom I had when I was only about 4. All of a sudden Paul McCartney was leaning over me. In his outstretched hand was something that looked like a tiny little round microphone. I thought he was offering me a chance to sing with him, and I took it all excited -- but as I looked at it more closely I realized it wasn't a microphone at all. It was a hit of acid. My disappointment and surprise woke me up. And I've never forgotten that dream (obviously!).

Now I'd never been one of those "Beatlemaniacs", so I was surprised that Mr. McCartney had figured in my dream at all. And an interpretation? Well ... first, I was less than 4 when the Beatles first hit the charts, so it's quite interesting that the dream took place in that 'time frame'. They'd influenced me more than I realized at the time, even though as a little kid I didn't like them much. Their stupid Yeah Yeah Yeah love songs were so sappy and irritating to me at the time...

But by the 70's I recognized and appreciated them for the powerful social/musical influence that they were. And now I think that dream was warning me about what was truly "spiritual" about music and musicians back then, and what wasn't.