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Thread #76784   Message #1366356
Posted By: GUEST
28-Dec-04 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: info pls: 60s music & spirituality
Subject: RE: info pls: 60s music & spirituality
What on earth does Medgar Evers have to do with San Francisco hippies dropping acid and dancing to the light fantastic at the Fillmore? They had not a bloody thing to do with the civil rights movement! Most of them didn't even lift a finger to stop the war, for christ sake.

Every generation is borne with a huge amount of idealism. That wasn't anything special about our generation, PoppaGator, so why would you try and make it seem like we were so much more special than other generations because some people paid a heavy price for acting on their idealism, rather than tripping and smoking dope to escape the thought of all that nasty war amd racism stuff that was such a bummer to them?

Those were very different groups of people you are talking about. It makes me sick when I see former hippies and flower children claiming they were on the front lines of the civil rights movement by equating their adolescent excesses with sex, drugs, and rock and roll with the sacrifices people made who truly were trying to end American apartheid and the war in Vietnam.

How stupid do you think I am, PoppaGator?

I paid a hefty price for drug and alcohol abuse as a result of my 60s lifestyle choices, like a lot of people did. Sure, I had a great time partying my brains out through the 60s and the early 70s. But I also am realistic and honest enough with myself to see it for what it was. Which wasn't part of the Flower Power generation, thank you very much. And you don't have to take it all so personally. I have this very same argument with my other half, also a child of the 60s, and a connoisseur of much more moral and spiritual drug taking than I imbibed in. Just did Madeira, and my whole problem was I continued to drink whiskey and beer and chase wild women, in addition to my spiritual shroom and acid questing. And the speed and downers were very spiritual. You could see alot of far out shit with a handful of Black Beauties or reds with a tequila chaser.