The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15333   Message #136644
Posted By: Áine
15-Nov-99 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: Nothing Worth Opening Here Lately (II)
Subject: RE: Nothing Worth Opening Here Lately (II)
Thank you, Susanne, you got it.

Now, for those of you who didn't get it:

(1) In Re: 'whiney titty-babies' – if after the phrases 'Want me to give you a freebie,' 'Your "tan line" in your underwear is better than the one you got in Hawaii' and (my personal favorite), 'But I wear thongs' -- you guys come after me for 'whiney titty-babies,' then, I suggest 'you turn that frown upside down' because you're taking yourselves way too seriously!

(2) In all seriousness, just to make myself perfectly clear, DEAR ART, I DO NOT INCLUDE YOU IN THE ABOVE-MENTIONED GROUP.

To quote myself: 'I can understand Art being upset with even those 5-6 minutes, though. His minutes are much more important to him than most of ours are.'

Now, tell me please, in which part of those two sentences was I not being sensitive to Art and his ORIGINAL post?

(3) And, finally, to reiterate: 'Now everybody that can stand to have a good time get yourselves over to the Tavern -- there's free rum and hot salsa!' And, to quote my friend, Lonesome EJ, 'you got to treat life like a good barbecue - when the goin' gets tough you eases up on the beans, and you bears down on the meat!'

And I sincerely hope that you all realize that Everyone is welcome at the Tavern, as they are on the Mudcat -- just as it should be -- in whatever clothes they can afford, with whatever attitude they care to take and in whatever pose they care to affect.

With all due respect, Áine