The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76111   Message #1366633
Posted By: el_punkoid_nouveau
29-Dec-04 - 06:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Christmas Tavern too....
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Christmas Tavern too....
As the duck honed in on the punkoid, he realised that it wasn't transylvanian after all - it was his good friend, the partially deaf duck. The poor avian was sooooooo pleased to see him after all his adventures, and wanted to thank him for the duck tape with which he had been able to severely incapacitate the squid.

"Hey bartender!" called the punkoid. "You got any Jersey cream?"

"No sir - cream comes from Cows, not Jerseys!" replies the bartender, in his best impression of Jeeves.

"You got ANY cream? From Jersey Cows?"

"I'll have a shot of rum, same of kahlua, and a couple of ounces of cream then. Oh, and pass me that cocktail shaker, will you?"

The punkoid pours the three measures into the shaker, and tango's around the room with it. Once round the room, then pours the well mixed content into a glass.

"Hey doll!" he calls to MBSLynne. "Just to prove I'm not just a dab hand at raising fires, I'm also one meeeeeeeeeean cocktail shaker. Rum Alexander - on the house, Babe!"

The punkoid reaches into his top pocket, pulls out a nutmeg and grater, and, having grated a sprinkling of nutmeg onto the drink, passes it down under the chair.