The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76784   Message #1367160
Posted By: GUEST,Sidewinder
29-Dec-04 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: info pls: 60s music & spirituality
Subject: RE: info pls: 60s music & spirituality
We are all entitled to our opinions, and let's face it, that's all they are,and how boring this would be if we all agreed that James Brown is far better than Bob Dylan (fact) and Kerouac, in his own way, sought to disappoint his readership with every new book he published. I was trying to think of something positive to say about Donovan but I am far too narcisistic for that. We explore the past with the same blinkers that stop us from being truly objective, a curse of the televisual generations - we are spoonfed pretty, vuccuous, plastic pictures (and people) and are guided through life with visceral contempt. As Jim Morrison said to an adoring audience in Miami,"Wake up! you're all slaves" and as they clapped and cheered I wonder if he thought; they had all missed the point he was making? Jims problem was adulation comes with no strings attached and the 60s better illuminated this flaw in the human condition than any other era.You could get fat, bald and wasted and still get laid just because you were on stage with Jimi, Janis and CSN&Y - now there's real insight for you.

Happy New Year.
