The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76920   Message #1367871
Posted By: Dewey
31-Dec-04 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: The 1960s was crap.
Subject: RE: BS: The 1960s was crap.
Civil Rights For All Americans was certainly not CRAP. Neither was the MORAL abolition of the Vietnam War (which was far too long and bloody)

This country is more free-thinking, politically active, socially caring now, because of the 60's.

The idealism was bad,
The consciousness excellent.

Things always have to get a little worse before they get better whether today or yesterday. So too was it in the 60's, but in the end truth wins out even when it is partially misguided.

Glad to see in retrospect the drugs and sexual promiscuity rejected by the boomers. Don't worry, your kids will forgive you.

But a special thanks for the GOOD THINGS And the good times that evolved.

All minorities especially thank you. Where I live today young people, don't even dream about color differences! they just see people (Martin Luther King's dream fulfilled)

And I do remember the early 70's when the "n" word was used, and not in a very inclusive way.

Anyway, Lincoln would be proud.

So I guess we can just forget the rest of it, ESPECIALLY the Vietnam War.
