The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15313   Message #136848
Posted By: Art Thieme
16-Nov-99 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Mother Cat Dead - Kittens Live

When Joseph was an old man--an old man was he,
He married the virgin, Mary,
Virgin, Mary, of Gallilee,
repeat last line.

And Mary spoke to Joseph so meek and so mild,
Joseph, gather me some cherries for I am with child.(repeat last line)

And Joseph, he flew in anger---in anger flew he,
"Let the father of the baby gather cherries for thee." (Repeat last line)

Then Jesus spoke a few words---from within his mother's womb,
"Bow down you cherry tree and let my mother have some.
(Repeat last line)

And the cherry tryy bowed low down---bowed down to the ground,
And Mary, she gathered cherries fom the ground all around,
And Mary she gathered cherries while Joseph stood around.

And God spoke to Mary, "You now have a son,
And his birthday shall be on Christmas---a joyous day for everyone.
And his birtday shall be on Christmas---a joyous day for everyone.

(This is how I used to sing it--- Art)