The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76993 Message #1369577
Posted By: Mooh
02-Jan-05 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: Play music and lose money
Subject: RE: Play music and lose money
I drifted towards instruction because that's where the money is. For a middle aged fart like me it's easier than club and pub gigs. I still play out a few times per month (not including church stuff), but nothing like as frequent or as long as I once did in the pre disco, karioke, and dj dance days. Back then there was decent money in it too.
Fundraisers, nursing homes, and community gigs seem to outnumber the better paying weddings, coffee houses and whatnot these days. One band pracices four times as much as it plays out, but it's fun and we don't hate each other.
Without the instruction income I'd starve to death gigging in rural Ontario, but I actually make a living so gigging is a bonus. Besides, this way it never becomes drudgery and I never resent it.