The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76993   Message #1369661
Posted By: Rasener
02-Jan-05 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: Play music and lose money
Subject: RE: Play music and lose money
Blimey you guys make me feel very guilty.
I started my Folk Club 9 months ago, and just about break even. I can't afford to pay big amounts.
Overall I like to think that I provide a platform for serious artists to perform on stage and show 30 paying people each time what they are made of. The rest are artists who don't pay.
I have a 45 minute floorspot most times and about 5 main guests each year.
I now have a fixed rate that I pay for a 45 minute floorspot which is £40 and a guaranteed amount for main guests with % above that. All other artist play for nowt.
I pay for the hire of the room.
I don't charge for my time or my family, and never would, and I have to say that I put a lot of time into it..
Any money made on each night goes back into the coffers to pay for loss nights.

I always feel guilty that I can't pay each artists what they are worth.

Having said that, the club seems to be very popular among the artists and public.

Should I stop doing it because I am really taking the livelyhood away from very good artists.


Do I carry on in the same way I do, with the belief that we all get a lot of pleasure from it and it would be sad if we stopped.

I suppose I am the same as the artists doing it for love and trying to keep the folk scene going.

Just thought I would throw the club organisers viewpoint in as well. We aren't all money making gits.