The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76993 Message #1369682
Posted By: GUEST
02-Jan-05 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: Play music and lose money
Subject: RE: Play music and lose money
BTW, the "how many wives" crack referred to the song lyric posted by sixtieschick.
It reminds me of the joke that goes "What do you call a musician who just broke up with his girlfriend/wife?"
There is absolutely nothing wrong with aiming for the heavens, and dreaming big, especially if you are young, and have a lot of talent and drive to succeed, and I don't mean merely on financial terms. I mean on artistic terms. In terms of being successful in your intimate relationships, being present in them especially--not just the paycheck/breadwinner, the rest of the work f being in relationship be damned. In terms of being a successful ambassador for whatever type of music it is you play. Being a successful, contributing member of your community locally and globally. And once you are in the position to do so, giving back generously by bringing other musicians and humans along as a mentor and teacher, neither of which need be done formally.