The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77002   Message #1369758
02-Jan-05 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
Thankyou all so very much for your words of welcome, all lovely, some cheeky. The magnificent Frida told me about this forum and showed me a few things on it. What could I do? So, there I was and here I am. It sort of reminds me of a story; I was in a tram in Melbourne and thought I saw someone from a long time ago so rushed up and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and I said, "oh I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else". He said, "I am".   True story. I thought I was someone else but as it turns out, I'm hilda fish. No thought really - no - subconscious thought. I'm doing a "fish" series at the moment so "fish" is on my mind. Not "fish" like "fish" but fish like sea and decay and bones and sorrow and 'non-papier' people in Brussels. There you go and here I am. Thankyou again and I'm already trawling all over the place and responding to whatever I feel want to respond to. I'm out of action now as I'm going on a road trip (yahoo!!!) but believe me, I will be back.