The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76976   Message #1370065
Posted By: Gypsy
03-Jan-05 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: Flute/whistle dynamics
Subject: RE: Flute/whistle dynamics
Kaleea, i blush to mush such varied instruments into one category. My apologies. Yes, the silver flute i refer to is the orchestra type. The whistles are standard, el cheapo, tin whistles. Also would be records, running from soprano to the really big, long one. All three types seem to have a problem with dynamics..........not gonna be able to change anything, just wanted to know if it was possible to have that kind of control. Such as, i CAN drown out everyone with my hammer dulcimer, but i chose not to. It just sounds better if everyone is at about the same volume.