The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77018   Message #1370194
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
03-Jan-05 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Old Joe Clark Parties
Subject: RE: Origins: Old Joe Clark Parties
After looking at some more notes (none specifie), I wonder if Randolph's impressions apply to the Old Joe Clark parties on which you are searching for information. An informal dancing get-together, when a caller is not available, or geared to accomodate dancers unfamiliar with the rigors of pure figure dancing.

A suggestion- write to the dance societies and/or editors of Texas newspapers. Perhaps these:

NORTEX- North Texas Square and Round Dance Assn., email Ask to be put in touch with an old timer. The website has many links.

Lufkin Daily News, Editor-
Marshall News-Messenger, Editor-

These are in the eastern half, but you can easily find others through Google.